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Awards Bestowed on Exemplary Educators

Hay River, NT – On August 25, 2016 the South Slave Divisional Education Council (SSDEC) announced the 2016 winners of the Excellence in Education Award.

The Program Staff Award winner is Mr. Brent Kaulback of the South Slave Divisional Education Council. Mr. Kaulback has spent over 40 years as an educator and administrator, most recently as Assistant Superintendent at the SSDEC. His more impressive accomplishments revolve around the preservation and revitalization of Aboriginal language and culture. Under his guidance and leadership, the SSDEC has published over 280 books; Aboriginal language essential learning outcomes (ELOs) and common assessments have been developed and implemented; and a film, Three Feathers – The Movie, is being produced with a completely Northern cast. No matter the project, Mr. Kaulback is creative, caring, and student-focused. The entire NWT education community will miss this humble, award-winning educator when he retires this fall.

The Partner in Education Award is presented to the Ms. Misty PynSten. Ms. Pynten is an employee of the K’atłodeeche First Nation, but her office is in Chief Sunrise Education Centre, where she serves as a student counselor. Described by her student nominators as a person who supports them when they are upset or angry and makes them feel “happy and important,” Ms. Pynten’s work at the school is both necessary and impactful. She is involved in numerous staff, student, and parent groups, and balances all of her responsibilities skillfully while radiating kindness and positivity.

L to R: Hay River DEA Chair Kandis Jameson, L to R: K’atłodeeche DEA Chair Wanda Salopree,

Student Counselor Misty Pynten, K’atłodeeche Hay River DEA Chair Kandis Jameson, Assistant

DEA Chair Wanda Salopree, and Superintendent Superintendent Brent Kaulback, and

Dr. Curtis Brown. Superintendent Dr. Curtis Brown.

The purpose of the Excellence in Education Awards is to publicly recognize the sustained commitments and outstanding contributions made by staff, parents and community members in helping to create the best possible futures for South Slave students. The Excellence in Education Award is awarded annually to a recipient(s) nominated by their peers and selected from the following two categories:

  • Program Staff – includes teachers, administrators, consultants and education assistants service South Slave schools.

  • Partners in Education – includes support staff (eg. secretaries and custodians), parents, students, volunteers and other community members, groups, or organizations that work in support of student learning.

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